UNO - An all-in-one dry base nutrient.
Where can I find feed recommendations
Schedules are available at Zenproductsgrow.com and in the ZEN product catalog. A basic usage can be found on the product label.
Why should I use UNO?
UNO is made for the gardener who is just starting, looking to simplify, or has a busy life outside of the garden.
Does UNO really work?
In short YES, however, our RND team recommends using Big Bhang to assist with phosphorus and potassium during the mid flower phase.
EZ-ZENtials part A and B is a two part pro grade dry base nutrient.
Is EZ-ZENtials a grow and bloom?
EZ-ZENtials is used for both phases, both parts are used in proper doses to promote a healthy full cycle.
Why should I use UNO?
YES, both parts together contain all the necessary minerals needed for a full healthy cycle.
Why should I use EZ-ZENtials?
More weight, more product, better quality and cheaper price! EZ-ZENtials was developed by growers for growers. If you are successfully harvesting already you may greatly benefit from our two part system. Anyone looking for an easy two part system to utilize will enjoy the simplicity and ease of use that comes with EZ-ZENtials.
Big Bhang bloom is a serious bud booster.
Is Big Bhang salt?
Big Bhang is a natural mineral based powder.
Can I expect more weight using Big Bhang?
When used correctly YES, Big Bhang has proven highly effective at increasing bud size and density.
Candy Man
What does Candy Man do?
Candy Man is used during the reproductive stage (flowering) and can promote oil production in the flower (bud) itself. Products like Candy Man are often called sweeteners because they increase flavor and smell. Candy Man is exceptional at promoting higher terpenes, trichomes and flavonoids. This means increased potency, smell and taste.
Will Candy Man increase bud weight?
In short NO, that is, Candy Man is not formulated to enhance bud size or weight however, it is not uncommon to see an increase in gram per watt due to the extra oil production. (This Oil weight is generally not enough to qualify Candy Man as a weight enhancer)
Do I need Candy Man with ZENs base nutrients.
Candy Man is an additive that can be used with any products base nutrients. Candy Man increases overall bud quality but is not necessary for bud development. You do not need it but a high quality sweetener is recommended by every professional gardener.
Is Candy Man only for Cannabis?
Candy Man is formulated to increase terpenes an oils therefore any terpene producing plant will greatly benefit from Candy Mans regular use. In conclusion (Peppers will taste better along with cannabis, tomatoes, apples, raspberries, plums wait, you get the point)
What is CAL-MAGnon?
CAL-MAGnon is a Calcium Magnesium additive used to increase CAL MAG levels and ward off common nutrient deficiencies.
Why do I need a Calcium Magnesium additive?
This could be a much longer answer. If you are a coco coir grower you need it, in fact your plants will not thrive without it. If you are using RO water you need it, in fact your plants will not thrive without it. These are the common reasons any grower will need CAL MAG aside from them, nearly all professional cannabis gardeners have a CAL MAG supplement on hand. CAL MAG deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency both indoors and out.
Can I use CALMAGnon outdoors?
Yes, CAL MAG supplementation is common both indoors and out.
Can I burn my plants with Calcium Magnesium products?
Yes, if you introduce too much CAL MAG at once or too often a build up can occur and this toxic build up (for the plant) can cause nutrient burn. Learning curves exist in all aspects of life, gardening , well let’s just say it has a few.
ZEN Strength
What is ZEN Strength?
ZEN Strength is a Potassium Silicate based Silica additive.
What does Silica do for my plants?
Silica is used by the plant for proper cellular development. Silica promotes the natural defenses of the plant, helping to reduce stress from multiple variables like heat and nutrient build up. Stronger plants generally means healthier plants, which means better fruits!
Do I need Silica?
YES, and NO. Everyone can benefit from a healthier, stronger plant but this does not make Silica a necessary additive. We recommend adding our Silica supplement ZEN Strength based on this concept. It’s much cheaper than fixing a serious issue later. We call this preventative.
When should I use ZEN Strength?
All the way through start to finish. In most cases gardeners will stop using Silica towards the end of the plants reproductive cycle (flowering). If you are using CAL MAG additives mix Silica in first to keep your Calcium from becoming inert an unusable by the plant.
What is Molashish?
Molashish is a super addictive, meaning it has many beneficial factors but in. First is the king of brix masons molasses. Molasses is used to feed your microbes and help keep a healthy population of beneficial active cultures. That’s IMPORTANT in most grows using mediums or those adding microbes. Next is the charge of vitamins including multiple B vitamins and vitamin C. Vitamins are utilized by the plant to reduce stress and promote fast recovery from shock or situations that can lead to shock like transplanting. Vitamins play a greater role yet with total plant development as well. Lastly is the super punch of amino acids, all 21 to be exact. Amino acids are extremely important for all life especially flora. In our case they are used to chelate the minerals in our nutrients. Chelation is easy to understand when approached simply. It means pre digested. Like when we chew before swallowing, our body’s do not need to work as hard to break the input down.
Why should I use Molashish?
To promote a strong healthy population of beneficial microbes. To reduce stress related to shock and atmospheric change. To produce a superior end product!
Can I mix Molashish in a reservoir?
Yes. Molashish can be used in every feed method.
Does Molashish add carbohydrates?
Yes. Molashish contains a hefty punch of carbohydrates which can be a double edged sword. We recommend using Molashish based on our feed schedules, this will help keep your brix count in the sweet spot.
Enlighten Up (pH up)
What is Enlighten Up used for?
Enlighten Up is used to raise the PH value of your tested solution.
How long is the buffer for Enlighten Up? (Before PH drifts)
Three to Seven days is the average buffer range for Enlighten Up.
Is Enlighten Up Concentrated?
No, Enlighten Up is designed for smaller reservoirs and hand mixing nutrient solutions.
Calm Down (PH Down)
What is Calm Down used for?
Calm Down is used to reduce/lower the PH value of your tested solution.
How long is the buffer for Calm Down? (Before PH drifts)
Three to Seven days is the average buffer range for Calm Down.
Is Calm Down Concentrated?
No, Calm Down is designed for smaller reservoirs and hand mixing nutrient solutions.
O Calm Down (Organic PH Down)
What is O Calm Down uses for?
O Calm Down is for mix and apply natural fertilizers. It is used as an alternative PH down to reduce the PH value of your tested solution.
Is O Calm Down different than Calm Down?
O Calm Down is organic and houses chelation factors to aid in nutrient absorption.
How Long is the Buffer range on O Calm Down? (Before PH drifts)
Seven to Twelve days is the average buffer range for O Calm Down.
Can I use O Calm Down in place of Calm Down?
Yes, although O Calm Down cost just a bit more it is worth it for those who have a little experience.