Candy Man
What does Candy Man do?
Candy Man is used during the reproductive stage (flowering) and can promote oil production in the flower (bud) itself. Products like Candy Man are often called sweeteners because they increase flavor and smell. Candy Man is exceptional at promoting higher terpenes, trichomes and flavonoids. This means increased potency, smell and taste.
Will Candy Man increase bud weight?
In short NO, that is, Candy Man is not formulated to enhance bud size or weight however, it is not uncommon to see an increase in gram per watt due to the extra oil production. (This Oil weight is generally not enough to qualify Candy Man as a weight enhancer)
Do I need Candy Man with ZENs base nutrients.
Candy Man is an additive that can be used with any products base nutrients. Candy Man increases overall bud quality but is not necessary for bud development. You do not need it but a high quality sweetener is recommended by every professional gardener.
Is Candy Man only for Cannabis?
Candy Man is formulated to increase terpenes an oils therefore any terpene producing plant will greatly benefit from Candy Mans regular use. In conclusion (Peppers will taste better along with cannabis, tomatoes, apples, raspberries, plums wait, you get the point)