What is Molashish?
Molashish is a super addictive, meaning it has many beneficial factors but in. First is the king of brix masons molasses. Molasses is used to feed your microbes and help keep a healthy population of beneficial active cultures. That’s IMPORTANT in most grows using mediums or those adding microbes. Next is the charge of vitamins including multiple B vitamins and vitamin C. Vitamins are utilized by the plant to reduce stress and promote fast recovery from shock or situations that can lead to shock like transplanting. Vitamins play a greater role yet with total plant development as well. Lastly is the super punch of amino acids, all 21 to be exact. Amino acids are extremely important for all life especially flora. In our case they are used to chelate the minerals in our nutrients. Chelation is easy to understand when approached simply. It means pre digested. Like when we chew before swallowing, our body’s do not need to work as hard to break the input down.
Why should I use Molashish?
To promote a strong healthy population of beneficial microbes. To reduce stress related to shock and atmospheric change. To produce a superior end product!
Can I mix Molashish in a reservoir?
Yes. Molashish can be used in every feed method.
Does Molashish add carbohydrates?
Yes. Molashish contains a hefty punch of carbohydrates which can be a double edged sword. We recommend using Molashish based on our feed schedules, this will help keep your brix count in the sweet spot.